Monday, 10 October 2011

Message from Fern, Laura and Scott

Hello to all at Immaculat Cor de Maria School!

After visiting your school earlier this year we left feeling really impressed!  You all have a love of learning and your English skills were fantastic!  We were lucky to have great tour guides (students from the school) who showed us around your beautiful town.  So far we have learnt a lot about life in Catalonia and we would like to continue to strengthen our relationship with the continual exchange of language and cultural experiences, in order to benefit the students of both of our schools.   The students and Staff at Blackpool Primary School are looking forward to hearing from you all. 
Kind regards, 

Fern de Beer & Laura Trevena
Teachers at Blackpool Primary School

Hola a tots els alumnes de l'escola Immaculat Cor de Maria. 

Després de visitar la vostra escola ara fa un temps, vam marxar ben impressionats! Tots mostreu unes grans ànsies d'aprendre i les vostres habilitats a l'hora d'aprendre anglès eren fantàstiques. Vam ser molt afortunats de tenir grans guies turístics (els estudiants de l'escola) els quals ens van ensenyar el vostre bonic poble. Fins al moment, hem après molt sobre la vida a Catalunya i ens agradaria continuar enfortint la nostra relació amb vosaltres a través del continu intercanvi de llengua i cultura per tal de beneficiar als alumnes, tant de la vostra escola com de la nostra.
Els estudiants i els mestres de Blackpool Primary school tenen moltes ganes de saber de vosaltres.
Molts records,

Fern de Beer & Laura Trevena
Professores de Blackpool Primary School


  1. Hi i'am Irene and i are 1 of the studients of this pproject and the day at our class resive this meseng of Fern and Laura all of class say :- I want read the meseg at the computer.
    I read 1 part

  2. hello
    You are pretty !(alba ,fern ,laura)

  3. Hello, I'm Carla, i'm a studient for this project. Thanks Fern and Laura for your messetge. Bye

  4. hello fern, hello laura and alba
    i love project, tank you

    my name is pau

  5. Thank you for your messages. We are very happy that you like this project :) keep on participating!

  6. Tanks Fern and Laura for your message.
    My name is Helena.
    Bye bye

  7. i like this projects
    jana and queralt
    bye bye
